We are the Pattons. We have lived in Guatemala City for over 10 years, serving in the local community. When we first moved into the neighborhood, it was a dangerous gang-controlled part of the city. Thanks to the transformational power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the gangs have left and many in our neighborhood have given their life to the Lord.
Life Builders International
We are a non-denominational Spirit filled evangelical ministry. That means we are open to the Holy Spirit working in our lives through miracles and healing; and sharing about Jesus is a very important aspect to our ministry.

This ministry was founded by Jason and Tressa Patton.
Jason continues being the president and Tressa the Vice President.

Jason Patton
Moody Bible Institute
Winona State University
Pilot and A&P

Tressa Patton
Winona State University
LBI Board of Directors
US Office Directors
Andy & Kim Quelle
Development Directors
Chris & Kris Anderson
Prayer Directors
Chris & Kris Anderson