
Do you want to help and make a difference in the hearts and lives of the Guatemalan people?

We are a non-denominational Spirit filled evangelical ministry. This ministry was founded by my wife and I. We are focusing on feeding the mind, body and soul of each individual we help. We not only provide meals to a rural Mayan community we are teaching needed skills and nurturing their souls; teaching people to live rightly with Godly principles. 

We have our Missionary base in the capital of Guatemala right near the international airport where I live with my wife, our 3 kids and our little dog.

In order to continue this ministry, extend our reach across Guatemala, and expand our programs, we greatly appreciate any help we can get from every volunteer from all over the world ๐Ÿ™‚

Type of help

  • Office Work
  • Website Maintenance
  • SEO or Marketing
  • Someone who can build or fix things
  • Accountant
  • Agriculture Engineer
  • English Teacher
  • Help in the house


Much of what we do is office work needed to keep the hotel running and raising money in order to be able distributing food, firewood, medicine and Bibles to the Mayan community.

For our mission base in Guatemala City we are looking for volunteers who speak English and can help with administration tasks, internet research and social media on the computer. 

We also would be happy to get some help with cleaning, maintenance and repair things. 

If you are coming volunteering with us we need support minimum 5 hours per day and 5 days per week. Typical schedule is 7am Bible study, 7:30am start helping and noon is lunch time, afternoons are free to do what you like. 

The 2 days off per week may vary and are not necessarily on the weekend as we are working on weekends too if there is work to do or guests are around.

Every day we have several locals working in the Mission, so you will not feel alone as we try to make a difference in this world ๐Ÿ™‚

Email us if you want to volunteer :